Video game industry practices are similar to those of other entertainment industries (e.g., the music recording industry). Unlike the music industry, where modern technology has allowed a fully professional product to be created extremely inexpensively by an independent musician, modern games require increasing amounts of manpower and equipment. This dynamic makes publishers, who fund the developers, much more important than in the music industry. From Films to (Digital or Computer) Games–during the last 20 years there has been a revolution in films, indeed, in multimedia. This revolution is the shift from analog to digital methods of recording and manipulating sight and sound. However, it is interesting that the development of computer games in many ways followed that of film–only what it took film 80 years to do it took games 20. In the history of films, we saw how music and sound have been mis-perceived and mis-understood. "Silent" films were never silent, and in fact, much of what is commonly believed about sound in early film is false. The facts are that sound and music have been a major part of films since films began. The same is true for video games