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Posts tonen met het label Bulgaria. Alle posts tonen

25 december 2019

Beautiful Varna

A story within a story can be used in all types of narration: novels, short stories, plays, television programs, films, poems, songs, and philosophical essays. The inner stories are told either simply to entertain or more usually to act as an example to the other characters. In either case, the story often has a symbolic and psychological significance for the characters in the outer story. There is often some parallel between the two stories, and the fiction of the inner story is used to reveal the truth in the outer story. Often the stories within a story are used to satirize views, not only in the outer story, but also in the real world.

01 december 2015

Public works (1)

In 1889 the hotel had bought five houses at the Damrak and three on the Prins Hendrikkade. Among them was the historic, dating from 1633 House-to-the-tower, which for centuries had marked the corner of the Damrak.
Not all properties where the company had put its sights on, could be acquired. Two old houses on the Prins Hendrikkade remained inaccessible because of the high asking price. As time was running out, Henkenhaf decided to build around these houses. This explained the two special encapsulated by the hotel fronts.

14 februari 2008

Bulgarian folklore

A dance film is a film in which dance is a central theme of the story. In such films, the creation of choreography typically exists only in film or video. At its best, dance films use filming and editing techniques to create twists in the plotline, multiple layers of reality, and emotional or psychological depth.
Dance film is also known as the cinematic interpretation of existing dance works, originally created for live performance. When existing dance works are modified for the purposes of filming this can involve a wide variety of film techniques. Depending on the amount of choreographic and/or presentational adjustment an original work is subjected to, the filmed version may be considered as Dance for Camera.
These definitions are not agreed upon by those working with dance and film or video.