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Posts tonen met het label Netherlands. Alle posts tonen

07 maart 2025

Kids making filmsounds



A sound film is a motion picture with synchronized sound, or sound technologically coupled to image, as opposed to a silent film. The first known public exhibition of projected sound films took place in Paris in 1900, but decades passed before sound motion pictures became commercially practical. Reliable synchronization was difficult to achieve with the early sound-on-disc systems, and amplification and recording quality were also inadequate. Innovations in sound-on-film led to the first commercial screening of short motion pictures using the technology, which took place in 1923. Before sound-on-film technology became viable, soundtracks for films were commonly played live with organs or pianos.

01 maart 2025

Carnival Mop music


Dweilorkesten and Kapellen During carnaval brass bands, called (joeks)kapelle or "zaate herremeniekes" (Limburg) and dweilorkesten (ambling orchestra. The word dweilen generally means "to mop" in Dutch, but in this context it means "to amble", and indicates the partygoers ambling from bar to bar) commonly provide during the feast for the music in the pubs / feasting halls and during the parades (in North Brabant)

23 februari 2025

Magic Toverland



The term time-lapse can also apply to how long the shutter of the camera is open during the exposure of each frame of film (or video), and has also been applied to the use of long-shutter openings used in still photography in some older photography circles. In movies, both kinds of time-lapse can be used together, depending on the sophistication of the camera system being used. As the frame rate of time-lapse photography approaches normal frame rates, these "mild" forms are sometimes referred to simply as fast motion or (in video) fast forward. This type of borderline time-lapse technique resembles a VCR in a fast forward ("scan") mode. A man riding a bicycle will display legs pumping furiously while he flashes through city streets at the speed of a racing car.

16 februari 2025

False nose party



Comedy is a genre that consists of discourses or works intended to be humorous or amusing by inducing laughter, especially in theatre, film, stand-up comedy, television, radio, books, or any other entertainment medium. The term originated in ancient Greece: In Athenian democracy, the public opinion of voters was influenced by political satire performed by comic poets in theaters.


10 februari 2025

Mop Music

During carnaval brass bands,dweilorkesten (ambling orchestra. The word dweilen generally means "to mop" in Dutch, but in this context it means "to amble", and indicates the partygoers ambling from bar to bar) commonly provide during the feast for the music in the pubs / feasting halls and during the parades (in North Brabant). During daytime most pubs do not play music through their speaker to give room for these bands, which naturally attracts many bands from the region and across the Dutch borders This kind of orchestra can also be seen during national sports events in the Netherlands like speed skating. 


Dive into fun of Carnival


Carnaval songs are a relatively recent phenomenon after World War II. Carnaval music is often a song written especially for the occasion and is easy to dance to. It is an expression of one's own culture, one's own lifestyle. The contents of a carnavalsschlager are often melancholy and even chauvinistic. For example, it may be an expression of pride in one's own village, town or region, local patriotism and praise of one's own place, and therefore in one's own local dialect. But it can also be a resistance to loss of identity and alienation, to changes affecting the individuality or local society and against the absorption in the broader culture. Therefore, it often happens that the village name or the name of the prince of the group, appear in the text of a carnaval song. The carnaval music is used during the carnaval to ridicule the normal culture, therefore the creating and playing of carnaval music is a very seasonal happening.

05 februari 2025

Odds & ends: Amsterdam


Archive footage, library pictures, and file footage is film or video footage that can be used again in other films. Stock footage is beneficial to filmmakers as it saves shooting new material. A single piece of stock footage is called a "stock shot" or a "library shot".[1] Stock footage may have appeared in previous productions but may also be outtakes or footage shot for previous productions and not used. Examples of stock footage that might be utilized are moving images of cities and landmarks, wildlife in their natural environments, and historical footage. Suppliers of stock footage may be either rights managed or royalty-free. Many websites offer direct downloads of clips in various formats.

02 februari 2025

Carnival puppets

I think that the tendency for most people is to fall back on a comic interpretation of things -- because things are so sad, so terrible. If you didn't laugh you'd kill yourself. But the truth of the matter is that existence in general is very very tragic, very very sad, very brutal and very unhappy.

27 januari 2025

Puppet animation



 The basis of all animation is the building up, frame by frame, of the moving picture by exact timing and choreography of both movement and sound. All film movement is achieved by projecting during every second of time a certain number of frames, normally 24, each a still photograph minutely varied from its predecessor, which record the successive phases of the subject’s movement before the camera. The same motion, or a stylized or caricatured version of it, can be achieved by “stop-motion” or “stop-action” cinematography, the frame-by-frame photographing of a similarly phased series of movement of such objects as puppets, marionettes, or commercial products. And, as in live filming, the camera itself can create movement by tracking into a scene or panning across it.

23 januari 2025



Storytelling is the social and cultural activity of sharing stories, sometimes with improvisation, theatrics or embellishment. Every culture has its own narratives, which are shared as a means of entertainment, education, cultural preservation or instilling moral values. Crucial elements of stories and storytelling include plot, characters and narrative point of view. The term "storytelling" can refer specifically to oral storytelling but also broadly to techniques used in other media to unfold or disclose the narrative of a story.

21 januari 2025

video 0f video-art


Video art is named for the original analog video tape, which was the most commonly used recording technology in much of the form's history into the 1990s. With the advent of digital recording equipment, many artists began to explore digital technology as a new way of expression. Video art does not necessarily rely on the conventions that define theatrical cinema. It may not use actors, may contain no dialogue, and may have no discernible narrative or plot. Video art also differs from cinema subcategories such as avant garde cinema, short films, and experimental film. 



03 januari 2025

Happy 2025


Film critics and film studies scholars typically define an art film as possessing "formal qualities that mark them as different from mainstream Hollywood films". These qualities can include (among other elements) a sense of social realism; an emphasis on the authorial expressiveness of the director; and a focus on the thoughts, dreams, or motivations of characters, as opposed to the unfolding of a clear, goal-driven story. 


Rembrandt on tour


Location shooting often takes place close to the studio; in Hollywood films, this region is delineated in union agreements and is known as the studio zone. Many location shoots, however, are far from the home studio, sometimes on the other side of the world. In these instances, location shooting can provide significant economic development benefits to the area in which they are shot. Cast and crew heavily rely upon local facilities such as catering, transportation, and accommodations. A film that becomes a blockbuster hit can introduce movie audiences around the world to a visually breathtaking location that they were previously unaware of, as the Lord of the Rings trilogy did for New Zealand. This can boost tourism for years or even decades.

Camera Bavaria



A project to perceive space in a different way. High up in the tower your perception of the surrounding polder and the salt marsh landscape near Ternaard in the Netherlands bends into a total experience. Made out of wood the tower confirms the natural beauty of the environment. Climbing the stairs, elevating from a sheep to a bird’s-eye perspective, you circle through the qualities of a unique landscape. Camera Batavia is an invitation to witness ourselves in the totality of space. Sitting beneath the convex mirror you are able to look in all directions at the same time. A confusing and new experience that exceeds all expectations. 

About Arjen Boerstra
As a memory experiment and to relive old fascinations, I reconstructed the attic from my youth. Personal memories, looking back, (re)discovering and a growing interest in historical developments became the centre of my quest. I discovered the possibility to share my explorations and conclusions within staged situations. From this perspective I create my work.

02 januari 2025

Van Gogh: countryside


A biographical film or biopic is a film that dramatizes the life of an actual person or group of people. Such films show the life of a historical person and the central character's real name is used. They differ from docudrama films and historical drama films in that they attempt to comprehensively tell a single person's life story or at least the most historically important years of their lives.

16 december 2024

Podium: second place


The red carpets, the photographers, the fame… There is a lot of excitement that goes on at film festivals and as someone looking to make a name for themselves in a highly competitive industry they are a must. But, with some of these competitions having a hefty entry fee and only a small percentage of entries making the cut, which ones are worth the time and money? While some competitions quickly come to mind there are plenty of others that don’t get as much media coverage that are definitely worth the investment


13 december 2024

Xmas 66


16 mm film is a historically popular and economical gauge of film. 16 mm refers to the width of the film (about 2⁄3 inch) It also existed as a popular amateur or home movie-making format for several decades, alongside 8 mm film and later Super 8 film. Eastman Kodak released the first 16 mm "outfit" in 1923, consisting of a Ciné-Kodak camera, Kodascope projector, tripod, screen and splicer, for US$335 


04 december 2024

Funfair today




Film was seen as a pure fairground attraction at the time. People were entertained, often to their great horror, with approaching trains, short comedy films and other material under the motto: as long as it moves. Explanations were given by an explainer. This man told the story with the images (often made up by himself) and was accompanied by a pianist or violinist. In the early days of cinematography, the films were never longer than 20 to 30 seconds.

03 december 2024

Van Gogh in Holland



 An art film, art cinema, or arthouse film is typically an independent film, aimed at a niche market rather than a mass market audience. It is "intended to be a serious, artistic work, often experimental and not designed for mass appeal", "made primarily for aesthetic reasons rather than commercial profit", and containing "unconventional or highly symbolic content".

01 december 2024




In his most important book – Ethics – Spinoza tries to answer the question of how someone can live a happy life. The answer seems simple. To live a good life, we must think. According to Spinoza, we must therefore acquire knowledge, follow our reason, and not be carried away by emotions. This idea contradicts things like tradition and religion. Because this is very important in the Netherlands in the seventeenth century, he receives a lot of criticism. In addition, according to Spinoza, God is not a supernatural being, but coincides with nature. Everything that happens has a natural explanation, says Spinoza. There are no miracles.