18 februari 2025
Bikes & Boats
06 februari 2025
Canal house
15 januari 2025
Prinsengracht (Amsterdam)
Vervaardiger Wim van Prooijen Auteursrechthouder Brabants Historisch Informatie Centrum (BHIC) Origineel Collectie Wim van Prooijen Broninstelling BHIC Licentie CC BY (vrij gebruik met naamsvermelding toegestaan)
11 december 2024
In photography, exposure is the amount of light per unit area reaching a frame of photographic film or the surface of an electronic image sensor. It is determined by shutter speed, lens f-number, and scene luminance. Exposure is measured in units of lux-seconds (symbol lx ⋅ s), and can be computed from exposure value (EV) and scene luminance in a specified region. An "exposure" is a single shutter cycle. For example, a long exposure refers to a single, long shutter cycle to gather enough dim light, whereas a multiple exposure involves a series of shutter cycles, effectively layering a series of photographs in one image. The accumulated photometric exposure (Hv) is the same so long as the total exposure time is the same.
02 december 2024
Top down: Amsterdam
A vertical video is a video created either by a camera or computer that is intended for viewing in portrait mode, producing an image that is taller than it is wide. It thus sits in opposition to the multiple horizontal formats normalised by cinema and television, which trace their lineage from the proscenium theatre, Western landscape painting traditions, and human visual field. Vertical video has historically been shunned by professional video creators because it does not fit the aspect ratio of established moving image forms, such as film and television, as well as newer web-based video players such as YouTube, meaning that black spaces appeared on either side of the image.
05 november 2024
Anton Pieck in Amsterdam
04 november 2024
Travel to Amsterdam
30 oktober 2024
St Nicolas
25 oktober 2024
Nemo science museum
Film can be meaningfully integrated into your lessons in various ways, both in business subjects and language education. A workshop, explores how you can pay attention to the aesthetic aspects of film and at the same time do justice to its unique characteristics, even with limited time. The focus is on analyzing, contextualizing and linguistically acting with film.
09 oktober 2024
05 oktober 2024
Continued: Amsterdamed 2
01 oktober 2024
Ai Amsterdam
17 september 2024
Blender Studio is the creative unit of the free open source Blender project. Established in the Netherlands in 2007 by producer and computer graphics pioneer Ton Roosendaal, the studio has released highly successful open movie projects, including Big Buck Bunny, Sintel, the Caminandes series and award-winning shorts Cosmos Laundromat and Spring. The studio is being funded by members of the studio.blender.org website. This keeps the team independent, enabling them to challenge themselves with creative-technical targets to help Blender users and developers.
13 september 2024
The sound of Amsterdam
In motion picture and television production, a sound effect is a sound recorded and presented to make a specific storytelling or creative point without the use of dialogue or music. Traditionally, in the twentieth century, they were created with Foley. The term often refers to a process applied to a recording, without necessarily referring to the recording itself. In professional motion picture and television production, dialogue, music, and sound effects recordings are treated as separate elements. Dialogue and music recordings are never referred to as sound effects, even though the processes applied to such as reverberation or flanging effects, often are called sound effects.
05 september 2024
A movie theater also known as a movie house, picture house, picture theater or simply theater, is a business that contains auditoria for viewing movies for public entertainment. Most are commercial operations catering to the general public, who attend by purchasing tickets.
The film is projected with a movie projector onto a large projection screen at the front of the auditorium while the dialogue, sounds and music are played through a number of wall-mounted speakers. Since the 1970s, subwoofers have been used for low-pitched sounds. Since the 2010s, the majority of movie theaters have been equipped for digital cinema projection, removing the need to create and transport a physical film print on a heavy reel.
04 september 2024
Amsterdam Criss-crass
Video cameras originally designed for television broadcast were large and heavy, mounted on special pedestals and wired to remote recorders in separate rooms. As technology improved, out-of-studio video recording was possible with compact video cameras and portable video recorders; a detachable recording unit could be carried to a shooting location. Although the camera itself was compact, the need for a separate recorder made on-location shooting a two-person job.
01 september 2024
Eye Filmmuseum Amsterdam
The building features two gallery exhibition spaces, one 300-seat cinema, two 127-seat cinemas, and a fourth intimate cinema of about 67 seats.[8] One of the gallery spaces is devoted to a permanent exhibition on the technical and aesthetic histories of cinema. The exhibit includes historical equipment drawn from the Museum's collection of approximately 1,500 cinematic apparatuses, as well as an immersive presentation of about one hundred film clips from the Museum's archive, including Dutch and international films dating from the silent era and beyond.[9] The second gallery space is dedicated to experimental cinema or expanded cinema, a commitment which dates back to the Filmmuseum's founding and the weekly screenings it organized at the Stedelijk Museum in the 1950s under the emerging aegis of cinema as a "seventh art."
26 augustus 2024
Oldest building of Amsterdam
In cinematography and photography, panning means swivelling a still or video camera horizontally from a fixed position. This motion is similar to the motion of a person when they turn their head on their neck from left to right. In the resulting image, the view seems to "pass by" the spectator as new material appears on one side of the screen and exits from the other, although perspective lines reveal that the entire image is seen from a fixed point of view.
23 augustus 2024
For quite some time
A technique in which the frequency at which film frames are captured is much lower than the frequency at which they are played back when viewing the sequence. When played at a normal playback speed, time appears to be moving faster or "lapsing". For example, if images of a scene are captured at a rate of 1 frame per second but then played back at a standard 30 frames per second, the resulting sequence appears to be occurring 30 times faster than it did in reality. Time-lapse photography is the opposite of high-speed or slow-motion photography, in which film is captured at a much higher rate than at which it is played back, appearing to slow down an otherwise fast action.
22 augustus 2024
Amsterdam South
In filmmaking, a pitch is a concise verbal (and sometimes visual) presentation of an idea for a film or TV series generally made by a screenwriter or film director to a film producer or studio executive in the hope of attracting development finance to pay for the writing of a screenplay. The expression is borrowed from "sales pitch". A pitch is used throughout different stages of production, such as casting and distribution, as well as to urge film producers to further fund a project.