03 januari 2025

Camera Bavaria



A project to perceive space in a different way. High up in the tower your perception of the surrounding polder and the salt marsh landscape near Ternaard in the Netherlands bends into a total experience. Made out of wood the tower confirms the natural beauty of the environment. Climbing the stairs, elevating from a sheep to a bird’s-eye perspective, you circle through the qualities of a unique landscape. Camera Batavia is an invitation to witness ourselves in the totality of space. Sitting beneath the convex mirror you are able to look in all directions at the same time. A confusing and new experience that exceeds all expectations. 

About Arjen Boerstra
As a memory experiment and to relive old fascinations, I reconstructed the attic from my youth. Personal memories, looking back, (re)discovering and a growing interest in historical developments became the centre of my quest. I discovered the possibility to share my explorations and conclusions within staged situations. From this perspective I create my work.

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