The public domain is a range of creative works whose copyright has expired, or was never established; as well as ideas and facts which are ineligible for copyright. A public domain work is a work whose author has either relinquished to the public, or no longer can claim control over, the distribution and usage of the work. As such any person may manipulate, distribute, or otherwise utilize the work, without legal ramifications.
17 oktober 2014
Elegant Burgundy
The public domain is a range of creative works whose copyright has expired, or was never established; as well as ideas and facts which are ineligible for copyright. A public domain work is a work whose author has either relinquished to the public, or no longer can claim control over, the distribution and usage of the work. As such any person may manipulate, distribute, or otherwise utilize the work, without legal ramifications.
I am a Dutch amateurfilmer and homevideo-enthusiast, as well as producer, director, editor of "C'est le Toon". This video-blog is a communication-tool sharing news, documentaries, family videos, interviews, travelogues, visual arts and filmmaking. It also contains tips about and examples of how-to make interesting homevideos, travelogues, ipodsfilms vacationfilms and vodcasts etc. Search the site for worldwide video's and movies! Enjoy.
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