12 augustus 2021

Dutch huge portraits



IN THE PICTURE, OUT OF THE PICTURE, ADDED TO THE PICTURE? The large-scale group portraits are impressive examples of painting technique. They have been carefully composed to convey what the sitters wanted to show to the world. And what they didn’t want to show has been excluded. Moreover, there is no trace in these striking images of people without money or power. Who were these individuals? And what was their relationship to the men and women in the group portraits? Through various interventions by modern creators, we give them a face – and try to tell their story too. Surrounded by the huge group portraits in the grand hall, DUTCH MASTERS RE-VISITED This  temporary intervention, shows 13 portraits of prominent Dutch people of colour taking on the role of historical Dutch citizens of colour who, based on historical research, are known to have lived in the Netherlands in the 17th and 18th century.

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