03 februari 2021

Kitchen (of Amsterdam)



The One Minutes is a global network devoted to moving image.
The One Minutes Foundation produces and distributes one minute videos from an artistic point of view. Through this we create artistically high-quality video art, we give people a voice and we make new connections. Core values are artistic quality, authenticity, democracy and diversity. The One Minutes is active at the forefront of international contemporary art, as well as in education and welfare.
Every month we publish a new series of films investigating how we perceive and engage with moving image. Worldwide, museums and cultural organisations subscribe to the series and show them.
In addition, we give workshops to art students, bring together youngsters all over the world for video workshops to make their voices heard and promote social change with The One Minutes Jr. and we provide workshops for newcomers. Artists enter into alliances with students, amateurs and children. The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision preserves The One Minutes Collection consisting of over

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