14 juni 2020
In 2013, it was estimated that 92% of movie theatres in the United States had converted to digital, with 8% still playing film.
Although usually more expensive than film projectors, high-resolution digital projectors offer many advantages over traditional film units. For example, digital projectors contain no moving parts except fans, can be operated remotely, are relatively compact and have no film to break, scratch or change reels of. They also allow for much easier, less expensive, and more reliable storage and distribution of content. All-electronic distribution eliminates all physical media shipments. There is also the ability to display live broadcasts in theaters equipped to do so.
I am a Dutch amateurfilmer and homevideo-enthusiast, as well as producer, director, editor of "C'est le Toon". This video-blog is a communication-tool sharing news, documentaries, family videos, interviews, travelogues, visual arts and filmmaking. It also contains tips about and examples of how-to make interesting homevideos, travelogues, ipodsfilms vacationfilms and vodcasts etc. Search the site for worldwide video's and movies! Enjoy.
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