28 januari 2016

Vastenavend song

Unlike most other cities Krabbegat generally plays local music The music still largely provided by so-called mop bands. These amateur bands crossing the town and play in various cafés their version of the various vastenavend songs.

The songs in the Bergse vastenavend must also always the rhythm of a march have. The polonaise is not done.

During vastenavend there Bergs spoken and written. The motto, song and all the speeches of the prince and his entourage are entirely in the vernacular, which is hardly spoken during the remainder of the year.

Each vastenavend since 1946 is equipped with a special motto. This year 4 days of carnival are compared with : The Four Days Marches a Dutch walking achievement event for four consecutive days, in which annually 42,000 (international) walkers are participating.


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