29 juni 2014

Malaga music

The film industry began as a visual medium in which artists could be seen acting out stories on the silver screen, but in recent decades it would seem that the general movie going public is more interested in the way a movie sounds than the way it looks. Advances in sound technology have moved forward as fast as the advances in film and video technology have, but in the race for which aspect of a film people enjoy the most, sound is in the lead. Here is the proof: if you shoot a film with poor lighting, no costumes, no makeup and no special effects it is considered to be an artistic style of independent filmmaking called cinema verite. You can even scratch up the negative in the name of artistic license and people will still watch your movie. On the other hand, if you add some static noise to the soundtrack of a movie, mess up the lip sync of the dialogue or add errant sounds with no explanation then people will just think you are not an accomplished filmmaker technically. They will shun your movie.


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