14 mei 2013

Inside the Wartburg

The Castle has been renovated throughout its existence with many earlier parts being overbuilt by later constructions and additions. From 1952 to 1966, for example, the East German Government restored it to what it looked like in the 16th century, which included the Luther Room with its original floor and paneled walls.
The Romanesque Palas is the oldest and architecturally most impressive of the buildings. Besides the chapel, it contains the Sängersaal , which is in fact Wagner's setting for Act II of Tannhäuser and the Festsaal both of which contain fine frescoes by Moritz von Schwind with the theme of the minstrels' contest in the Sängersaal and frescoes of the triumphs of Christianity in the Festsaal.
Part of the Palace consists of the original castle as it was between 1157 and 1170, as an image of power and residence of the Thuringian landgraves. 


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