15 januari 2013

Future Footage cloud-sourced?

Cloud Filmmaking
Cloud Filmmaking: A new genre of filmmaking that uses the cloud to collaboratively create films, and then uses the cloud to translate and cater versions of those films to help organizations around the world.
Cloud filmmaking is a term originally coined by Tiffany Shlain (filmmaker, artist, and the Webby Awards Founder) and her film studio The Moxie Institute and was announced in 2012.

The process involves cloud-sourcing creative content from the people around the world, including artwork, photographs, and home video, and then integrating each asset into one film.
The Moxie Institute film studio works with the non-profits to include their call to action at the end of the films so they can use the film in their own efforts to maximize their advocacy, fundraising, or other communication efforts on the web. Customization is offered for free.

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