26 augustus 2022

Amsterdam: Canals



 A remake is a film, television series, video game, or similar form of entertainment, that is based upon and retells the story of an earlier production in the same medium—e.g., a "new version of an existing film". A remake tells the same story as the original but uses a different cast, and may alter the theme or change the story's setting. A similar but not synonymous term is reimagining, which indicates a greater discrepancy between, for example, a movie and the movie it is based on. 


Heave Accident (making-off)



In cinema, a making-of, also known as behind-the-scenes, the set or on the set is a documentary film that features the production of a film or television program. 

This is often referred to as the EPK (electronic press kit) video, due to its main usage as a promotional tool, either concurrent with theatrical release or as a bonus feature for the film's DVD or Blu-ray release.

23 augustus 2022

Particles and pixels



TED Conferences, LLC (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is an American-Canadian media organization that posts talks online for free distribution under the slogan "ideas worth spreading". TED's early emphasis was on technology and design, consistent with its Silicon Valley origins. It has since broadened its perspective to include talks on many scientific, cultural, political, humanitarian, and academic topics. TED Talks have been offered for free viewing online, under an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives Creative Commons license, through TED.com. As of December 2020 over 3,500 TED Talks are freely available on the website. In June 2011, TED Talks' combined viewing figure stood at more than 500 million, by November 2012, TED Talks had been watched over one billion times worldwide.

17 augustus 2022

Oud Noord



Digital movies are projected using a digital video projector instead of a film projector, are shot using digital movie cameras and edited using a non-linear editing system (NLE). The NLE is often a video editing application installed in one or more computers that may be networked to access the original footage from a remote server, share or gain access to computing resources for rendering the final video, and to allow several editors to work on the same timeline or project.

Site seeing: Mediamatic


During pre-production, the script is broken down into individual scenes with storyboards and all the locations, props, cast members, costumes, special effects and visual effects are identified. An extremely detailed shooting schedule is produced and arrangements are made for the necessary elements to be available to the film-makers at the appropriate times. Sets are constructed, the crew is hired, financial arrangements are put in place and a start date for the beginning of principal photography is set. 



16 augustus 2022

Biotoop: Mediatic



Mediamatic Biotoop is a breeding ground for art, design and life sciences. Here you will find many site-specific installations, a restaurant, waterside terrace, co-working spaces and labs. All exhibits are free of charge unless otherwise stated.

Pigeon towers used to exist everywhere to produce extra fertiliser needed to support growing populations. When artificial fertiliser was discovered most towers became neglected, as did their inhabitants. We want to change that. We build our towers with living waste mycelium from the oyster mushroom agri-industry. It takes a bit of practise and a bit of experience




15 augustus 2022

Tutorial filmrecording




A tutorial, in education, is a method of transferring knowledge and may be used as a part of a learning process. More interactive and specific than a book or a lecture, a tutorial seeks to teach by example and supply the information to complete a certain task. A tutorial can be taken in many forms, ranging from a set of instructions to complete a task to an interactive problem solving session (usually in academia). 


12 augustus 2022

Chromakey experiments



 In all of these cases, the illusion is created by a special effects technique known as traveling matte or blue screen. This technique allows actors and scale models to find themselves in totally imaginary situations -- in space ships, dangling from rope bridges over gorges, flying through the air (a la Superman) -- and have it look completely real in the theater. The technique is used so often now that you don't even realize it. News reporters are made to look like they are on location when they are not, and complete segments in TV shows can be created this way to make it look like the segment was filmed on location.


11 augustus 2022

Green from Amsterdam



There is precious little that is natural … in any film. You distort speed if you want to show things like plants growing, or look in detail at the way an animal moves. You distort light levels. You distort distribution, in the sense that you see dozens of different species in a jungle within a few minutes, so that the places seem to be teeming with life. You distort size by using close-up lenses. And you distort sound. What the filmmaker is trying to do is to convey a particular experience. … The viewer has to trust in the good faith of the filmmaker. Nature documentaries have been criticized for leaving viewers with the impression that wild animals survived and thrived after encounters with predators, even when they sustain potentially life-threatening injuries. They also cut away from particularly violent encounters, or attempt to downplay the suffering endured by the individual animal, by appealing to concepts such as the "balance of nature" and "the good of the herd"

10 augustus 2022

Spaardam neighbourhood



Spaarndammerbuurt - Amsterdam's hidden gem A short video about the Spaarndammerbuurt neighbourhood in west Amsterdam. The whole area was designed in the 1910s by the Amsterdam School Movement, a radical collective of architects who wanted to create something beautiful for the working masses. The crowning jewel of Spaarndammerbuurt is Het Schip, or The Ship. Originally built to contain a school, post office and social housing, part of it is now a museum.


09 augustus 2022

Museum 't Schip


Museum Het Schip is located in the imaginative public housing complex designed by architect Michel de Klerk. This expressionist housing block was built in 1919 for the housing corporation Eigen Haard. Because of its shape, the building is popularly known as The Ship. It belongs to the top of the Amsterdam School, a movement in construction and decoration that spread throughout the Netherlands. 


07 augustus 2022

Big Apple



A compilation film, or compilation movie is a film composed of scenes and shots taken from two or more prior films and edited together so as to make a new film, whether on the same or a different subject. The most common example would be a documentary film on an historical event composed of footage from various newsreels and other film documentaries on the same subject. New footage and/or a new soundtrack may also be included in a compilation film, but the compiled, older footage makes up the majority of its principal material. Compilation film does not include, however, a simple editing together of several short films, complete in themselves and distinguished as such from each others, which should be considered as film anthologies.



Watch & Walk:Amsterdam



Walk and talk is a storytelling technique used in filmmaking and television production in which a number of characters have a conversation while walking somewhere. Walk and talk often involves a walking character who is then joined by another character. On their way to their destinations, the two talk. Variations include interruptions from other characters and walk and talk relay races, in which new characters join the group and one of the original characters leaves the conversation, while the remaining characters continue the walking and talking. 


06 augustus 2022

Groote Museum: history



The history of film as an artistic medium chronicles the development of a visual art form created using film technologies that began in the late 19th century. Although the advent of film as an artistic medium is not clearly defined, the commercial, public screening of ten of the Lumière brothers' short films in Paris on 28 December 1895 can be regarded as the breakthrough of projected cinematographic motion pictures. Soon film production companies and studios were established all over the world. The first decade of motion picture saw film moving from a novelty to an established mass entertainment industry. The earliest films were in black and white, under a minute long, without recorded sound and consisted of a single shot from a steady camera. 


04 augustus 2022

Gardens of Hamburg



filmarchives online provides easy and free access to catalogue information of film archives from all over Europe. Via the multi-lingual web portal film works can be searched for by content, filmographic data and physical characteristics. Search results provide information about existence and location of the materials as well as contact details to facilitate the access. The focus of the database is on non-fiction material; i.e. documentary and educational films, newsreels, travelogue, advertising, scientific, industrial, experimental, sports films, as well as animation films. filmarchives online is the result of the MIDAS project (Moving Image Database for Access and Re-use of European Film Collections). MIDAS had been initiated as a pilot project in the MEDIA Plus programme of the European Commission. It ran from January 2006 until January 2009 and was carried out by 18 institutions and archives under the lead of the Deutsches Filminstitut – DIF.