14 mei 1999

Copy Right and Wrong

A sample, and I have more, of the usage of images of mine (commercial use not allowed) by the mafioso music-industry to make money. And what's more: published on site's which maintain for amateurs ridiculous and highly questionable rules on copyright infringements.

As an individual and amateur you have hardly any chance against these dubious practices.


04 mei 1999

Memories in super 8 (2)

Amateur usage of Super 8 has been largely replaced by video, but the format is often used by professionals in music videos, TV commercials, and special sequences for television and feature film projects, as well as by many visual artists. For a professional cinematographer, Super 8 is another tool to use alongside larger formats. Some seek to imitate the look of old home movies, or create a stylishly grainy look.

Thanks to over a dozen film stocks and certain features common in Super 8 cameras but unavailable in video camcorders–notably the ability to expose single frames and shoot at several non video standard frame rates, including time-exposure and slow motion–Super 8 provides an ideal inexpensive medium for traditional stop-motion and cel animation and other types of filming speed effects not common to video cameras.